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July 7, 2020

I said I'd have a surprise in this blog, but I'm going to save it for later. Instead, I want to get something straight right off the bat:

Most of the people involved in all the recent protests and riots are not Democrats.

To explain, I want to first define the political center. Trust me, most Americans have forgotten what the term means. We've taken it to mean the dividing line between American liberals and American conservatives. Well, that's just in America.

The political center is actually an immovable zone that's at a balance between "left" and "right". To define, "left" means caring for the whole while being permissive and accepting, while "right" means caring for select individuals while being more authoritarian.

If you've watched the Democratic Party over the last close to thirty years, you've noticed a change, unless you're one of the Democrats who thinks that being a Democrat is all that matters. I have posted in Democratic message boards that the Party has been moving more to the right for years. I've gotten a number of negative responces, from a simple, "Ugh, no," to "What the hell are you talking about? The Democrats ARE the left!"

This proves a total failure of the people to understand how the "center" works. The American center is actually to the right of the actual center, but Americans tend to think of everything in terms of American ideals, not global. So, as the American political center moves far to the right, the people see the center staying in place with nothing more than a shift in mentality. The reality is, that shift in mentality is exactly what the shift in the American political center is.

I tried to put in a graphic, but I couldn't get it to work right, so here's about where the American center has been in the last 40 years compared to the true center.

  1. January 19, 1981 (Carter's last full day in office): 20-25% left
  2. Pre-1992 (before Clinton administration): 10-15% left
  3. January 20, 2001 (George W. Bush inauguraton) 5-10% left
  4. January 20, 2012 (Obama's second inauguration) 1-5% right
  5. July 26, 2016 (Hillary Clinton nominated at DNC) 15-20% right
  6. February 29, 2020 (Biden wins South Carolina) 25-30% right

Democrats will scream that the change is leftist because of Clinton and Biden. But if you compare their platforms and history with those of key Republicans, there are some striking similarities that show they are actually right of center. But most politically active Americans will still believe the actual center is at f, above, because that's where the American divide sits.

As far as the reason goes, it's entirely an American phenomenon. Whereas countries like China and Cuba are placed in situations where they have to accept certain governmental viewpoints, American thought has been harmed by three things.

First, Americans are told from birth that America is the greatest country on Earth. This is just politicocentricity, and it makes people believe that what America does is right. So, they ignore what happens in other countries, look at history of the United States, and become racists, money grubbers, or anything that bad.

Second, we don't limit what our children can do. We tell them, "This is America, where you can be whatever you want!" Children don't understand that this doesn't mean you can't become a burglar, killer, or rapist, so that's what they do. And when they get caught, they claim they're not guilty because it's "a free country". And parents often don't know how to handle it. The worst thing they do is throw their child out--which in many cases is exactly what the child wants! The right way for parents to handle these children is to not let them out of their sight for an instant.

Finally, we have the external cause, the belief that we have to have a job. No, economies work better when households have their own businesses. (I also don't believe in any household having more than one income, but that's a topic for its own blog.) When people have jobs, working for someone else, that's the cause of inequality. We saw it during the slave period, and after slavery was abolished, the corporations took up the slack by offering "good" -=cough=- jobs to workers. At first, they were. Then, "Reaganomics" (aka "trickle-down economics" or, as economists call it, "supply side economics") came along, and the economy immediately favored big business over the prosperity of the common man. The result was that small businesses were forced to become just the same to survive, and people started thinking money was the solution (which I'll talk about in my next blog). With that, corporations stopped promoting people for their work, but for their behavior. If you didn't suck up to the boss, you weren't rewarded And over time, people adopted the same mentality because it's what worked.

And so, America has its political and economic chasm. But not because the entire country has shifted to the left. The main reason is that the Democrats don't realize how far right they're moving, as I addressed earlier. They're turning to those who support corporate interests, which are mostly right-wing in nature, and thereby turning against their own self-interests. The other is the forced visibility of the far-left through protests and riots. Those who don't see the far-left as the Greens they are will assume they're Democrats, and use this against them. Add on that the protestors are like a football team with only four offensive plays, and defending against it is a simple task. The only difference is that the protestors can't always see what's been done against them.

So, we need to get back to not focusing on our own wants and desires, but on the needs of society as a whole.

We need to not try to get rich (and opposing those who do) and letting the money that goes to greed rescue the needy, instead.

We need to not focus on which side we're on, and seek out any truth in what the other side says so we can have a balanced society.

We need to not try to force our views on others so any truths they have will be heard.

And, again, it all starts in our formative years when parents should put the necessary restrictions on their children.

Like I said earlier, next time, I'll talk about why people think money is the solution, and why they're wrong. This could be a very long, detailed blog, but I'll try not to let it be. Until next time . . .

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