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January 14, 2021

I can't believe it's been almost a month since my last blog.

I thought I'd never do that again.

I mean . . . four years . . . five years . . . two years . . . now, another month.


Anyway, there have been a lot of things bothering me for the past month.

First, I don't celebrate Christmas on December 25. I celebrate it on January 6, which is Nativity in the Orthodox Church. That's because the Orthodoxy still goes by the Julian calendar. When the Gregorian calendar was established, what was December 25 became January 6. Something to do with finally figuring out the leap year, that's all; not the paganistic theories that have been going around for . . . I don't know how long.

The part of it that bothers me is that people claim they're making it about Jesus, but when it comes down to it, many people on my Facebook timeline were almost bragging about how soon their tree was up, or the gifts were wrapped, or that they were bringing down the tree on a certain day.

None of that in the Orthodox Church! Everything's proscribed, so there's no competition, and that stops anyone from making it about themselves.

Now, when Pascha comes along comes along at the end of Great Lent, it will really be fun!

Second . . . okay, I have to talk about the insurrection in the capital. I saw this coming years ago. In fact, I warned friends as long ago as 1990, and even told my Dad in an angry email after Hurricane Rita.

When Barack Obama was elected, I said that America's racist element would band together in eight years (2016) to elect someone of their choosing. That was Donald Trump, a man whose marketing talents cross over into manipulation, and a typical businessman who gets everything done through his lawyers.

Don't get me wrong. While it's the racist element behind this mess, there are others who actually believe . . .

. . . that the corporations will pass down their profits to the people.

False. It's an expense, and corporations minimize expenses to maximize profit.

. . . that socialism and Communism are the same thing.

False. I've talked about this in several forums. Marx left Germany because he wasn't satisfied with socialism. Eventually, he abandoned the socialist concept that taxation protects private private property rights and decided private property was the problem. That is Communism.

. . . that the 2020 election was stolen.

False. If you want to understand why it's false, look no further than the fact that they were so focused on poll watcher depositions. First, witness depositons are almost always thrown out of court. Second, poll watchers typically haven't been thoroughly trained in election law and are more focused on the instructions they were given. They are told to inform the Judge, who takes over because they know the appropriate action. Third, poll watchers are sent by a Party to watch a poll run by a Judge from the opposite Party. This, alone, creates problems. Finally, poll watchers are always thrown out by the Judge, and none are ever happy. If this is one of your main weapons, the entire argument is almost certainly bunk.

. . . that it is our unconditional duty to own guns for the purpose of protecting our country from its own government.

False. If you think it's the people's duty to take down its own government, you have major issues. If you think everybody needs a gun, including anyone with bad intentions, you have a completely different set of major issues. Now, put the two together and you see what we're up against. The government's job is to protect its own people, sometimes from themselves. Further, the term "well-regulated militia" has been hijacked by the gun lobby.

There are others, but these are the biggies. And these are the people following the white supremacists into this nightmare. They see their own self-interests going into the toilet (which they're doing, themselves, but can't accept the blame for anything).

Third, I've been struggling with cleaning the house. I have an entire king size bed with all kinds of things on it I haven't even started on, and a bunch of stuff I have to get rid of.

The problem? No real junk dealers, any more. I have to pay a trash service to send out a truck to haul everything off. Three ruined mattresses, a desk breaking apart, and more. Over $200 to come out and take it, if they accept it. What ever happened to junk dealers who paid you for your old stuff, then resold it for a profit?

Fourth, I'm working on plans to be announced early next month. This will be local, but may have wider consequences.

Fifth, I've been trying to get caught up on my timeline for a novel I'm working on. The problem is that I had no computer for several months, and I'm having to reread every-freaking-thing before I can keep going. I just reached that point.

Anyway, that's the big things about the past month.

Until next time . . .

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