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August 11, 2020

This meme demonstrates one argument that has been making the rounds in every election for the past few years, at least:

I'm here to explain all the problems with this all-too-common-argument.

The first thing that grabs your attention is that there's a list of things that the meme calls "a vote for Trump." This, of course, is a statement that is completely false.

To demonstrate why it's false, let's change the phrasing, but keep the general meaning:

"A Libertarian vote is a vote for Biden. A Green Party vote is a vote for Biden. A vote for Bernie is a vote for Biden. A non-vote is a vote for Biden." And so on.

This demonstrates that this is a non-argument because both sides can use the exact same argument, substituting only a name, and it has just as much legitimacy.

There is no such thing as a vote against someone, only for.

Next, let's cover the line, "Don't be stupid, stubborn, & selfish, our country is literally dying." This is an insult.

I ask, would you want to be called "stupid, stubborn, & selfish" because of whom you vote for?

I didn't think so. But it's happening a lot more than it used to. And it's turning people off to voting.

This line is just an insult to everyone voting for Joe Biden in November, and that's why it will push some voters to other candidates. Possibly even Trump.

And finally, "Vote Blue in numbers too big to manipulate." No! Never--EVER--say this! This gives people a reason not to "vote blue". It's a dog-whistle for those who are convinced that both parties are trying to fix the vote, who will take this as confirmation. It guarantees they will vote for Howie Hawkins. There are also those who become disillusioned by the statement and stop voting altogether. Either way, the side making the statement loses votes.

The "Vote Blue, No Matter Who" slogan is a scam, anyway. All it does is tell Democrats that is doesn't really matter who gets the nomination as long as we vote for them. This is critically wrong. In a previous blog I explain how Hillary Clinton never had a chance of winning. That year, the Democrats thought they could win just by uniting. Well, it didn't happen, as some 200,000 in three key states who voted in the Democratic Primary did not vote for Clinton.

The same thing happened this year with Joe Biden. The path to victory for the Democrats is through the far left, which leads to two of the three states that swung red in the last election, Michigan and Wisconsin. But Democrats think they can win those votes with the message that Joe Biden isn't Donald Trump. The truth is, the far left doesn't care who the people are. They look at the platform, not the person, and they will never vote for Biden. That's why Trump has already won, barring something unforeseen.

It's no longer about policy, it's about "identity politics". When someone goes to the polls, they vote for whomever is most like themselves--women voting for women, blacks voting for blacks, racists voting for racists, and on, and on, and on. It used to be that America only elected the wrong people in November; this is why America now keeps electing the wrong nominees. Why is this happening? Because of self-centered attitudes, the most prominent being:

  • If you don't vote for the vagina, you're a misogynist (extreme feminists and Clinton supporters)
  • If you don't vote for the black man, you're supporting racism (Malcolm X)
  • If you don't vote for the Republican, you're a Commie (Countless Republicans, the latest being Bill Barr, earlier today talking about BLM protests)
  • If you don't vote for the Christian, you're not a Christian (Evangelicals)
  • If you don't vote for the rich guy, you're lazy and will always be poor (Trump supporters)

Honestly, I'm sick and tired of this attitude. This isn't usually true, and there are a variety of reasoned arguments against each of them.

But what I'm really sick of is people who won't use reasoned arguments. And, for the most part, these are what show up in memes. Eye-catching drivel designed to make people believe a certain way is the only way, when the process used to create the conclusion is flawed, and sometimes forced.

We need to start teaching Aristotelian logic again in schools.

For the next blog, I'm waiting on news this week, and once I get it, I'll write it. Until next time . . .

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