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August 27, 2020

A couple blogs ago, I said I would write this blog when I received a piece of news.

Here it is: My divorce is final.

So, to complement my last blog about why people marry the wrong person, which ended with the one and only reason why people should marry (and was supposed to be this blog), I'd like to talk about faithfulness.

The fact is, faithfulness is much broader than most people think. It's the key to any successful relationship, whether romantic or not.

Faithfulness, like love, isn't a conscious choice, but a subconscious one. But we can choose to act like it's a conscious decision for a variety of reasons. But unlike love, faithfulness can work in such a way, empowering the other person by increasing their scope and efficiency.

Unfortunately, unlike love, faithfulness can be selfish. When two people ally, it isn't necessarily for altruistic reasons. Two people can team up for any reason they both share. But when each has their own agenda, it's anything but faithfulness because one is willing to stab the other in the back.

In the case of the two people ready to backstab each other, they are being faithful to their own ideas, not each other. Sadly, this often happens in marriage, today. They are more dedicated to something their spouse gives them instead of their spouse. And this means that if something better comes along, or what the one person is doing for the other goes south, it's over. This is why there's such a high divorce rate. Again, I gave the wrong reasons to get married in my last blog.

Religion is a key factor in understanding faithfulness. Unfortunately, most people don't understand religion. People who claim they're religious claim it because they are devoted to God. But when they go out to practice, it quickly becomes evident that their faithfulness is really about their own personal salvation. And upon still further study, it's discovered that it's really about them getting whatever they want. So, when it comes to religion, it should be about the purpose of the Law of God, not about God, himself. The truly faithful religious person is dedicated to serving others, not forcing their views on everyone under the guise of servitude.

(The wrong type of Christian says talks about going to Hell, disputes your salvation, or claims that religion is a relationship.)

The point of faithfulness is that it's about the effect, not the cause. With this in mind, faithfulness is when someone is emotionally dedicated to an intended result though a third party. Sometimes that result is for noble reasons, other times it's for egoism.

But either way, even though our faithfulness is directed at the result, our faith is in the third party. And that's where it gets complicated--far too complicated for this blog.

I'll have to leave it here. I'll probably add this to the "Faith" page. Or, I may do another blog on this later on. Maybe the next blog. I haven't decided, yet.

Until next time . . .

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