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November 1, 2020

I said I'd continue the last blog in this one, but really, the last blog was all I needed to say on the subject.

So, on to another subject.

I was working early voting for the last three weeks. I had to be there at 6am Monday to Saturday--11am on Sunday--and leave after 7pm every night. Three of the last four nights, we closed at 10pm. I only got one out of eighteen days off.

Yes, it's exhausting, especially on our first day, when it was non-stop for the first nine and a half hours, then picked up again for another hour. The last day was expected to be freaky-busy, but it turned out not to be as bad as the first day.

Because of COVID-19, we have a no-touch rule in place involving identification. The voter has to place one of seven photo-IDs where the system can scan the barcode. To do this, we have to instruct them using terms like "with the barcode facing me", "with the back facing me", or "backwards".

Over the course of eighteen days, I can't believe how many ways we ran into that do not follow the instructions. They would turn it upside down, on its side, one woman even said, "I don't know what you're saying." Another woman even put the edge of her ID against the surface and asked, "Like this?" The clerk got mad on this occasion and grabbed it out of her hand, no apologies, and I sat there quietly watching.

And then, there were the ones who didn't know where to place the ID. They would set it on top of the set, on the ground, in front of the slot it was supposed to go in so it slid onto the table . . .

And on top of the ID issues, the National Guard was in Fort Bend County because of electioneering by both sides, nobody willing to leave. Add that some guy on a motorcycle with Trump flags buzzed us twice before the Constable at the foot of the road leading in could get there . . .

And now, I'm going to be in my third tour of duty as Presiding Judge on Tuesday.

Those are the ones who actually run the polling stations.

Lord, help me.

That's why I'm writing this blog. In order to have successful communication, everyone involved must have the same meanings to the same terms. Here are the ones relevant on Tuesday:

Seriously . . . nobody should have to do this. It's Sesame Street level stuff.

  • "Turn it around" means to take the side facing away from the subject and have it facing toward the subject. (Technically, this means along a vertical axis, while "flip it over" means to do the same thing along a horizontal axis.)
  • When you take something and turn it so the bottom is at the top and the top is at the bottom, this is turning it upside down. The technical term is "invert", but most people don't use it. Sometimes, this will be (wrongly) called flipping it over.
  • When you set something on its side, that means it looks like it's sideways when looked upon from a standing position.

Again, this is Sesame Street level learning. Is this how low our educational system has sunk?

So, to simplify: If you vote on Tuesday, and you are asked to put your ID someplace so they can scan it, remember: As you set it down, your face on your ID should be facing you.

A hope this helps.

Once the election is over, I'll have more time to post regular blogs. And, boy, have I got a doozy coming up in the next one on either Wednesday or Thursday. There's was a new development in the "girl of my dreams" story during early voting, and it totally shocked me. And an event that seems to be minor and probably unrelated, but I've been watching for some time. It will be a shock to most of you, too.

Meanwhile, hopes and prayers for Tuesday, because that may be all most of you can do to help me. Until next time . . .

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